
Vaš osobni račun možete koristiti za registraciju alata kojih ste vlasnik i za zahtjeve popravka preko Interneta. Ovaj račuin omogućuje vam pojednostavljeni kontakt s našim timovima i praćenje popravka.

Prije nastavka, molimo ispunite ovaj obrazac za prijavu.

Vaša identifikacija bit će vaša adresa e-pošte, a lozinka ona koju odaberete.

Automatski ćete primiti konfirmacijsku e-poštu po ispunjenju obrasca za prijavu. Kako biste dovršili postupak prijave, morate kliknuti na link u e-pošti.

Ako Vam je potrebna pomoć, u slučaju da niste primili poruku e-pošte, kliknite ovdje.

Za svaki alat koji registrirate na našim stranicama dobit ćete certifikat.

Alate možete registirati samo ako ste otvorili osobni račun.

Before starting the registration process please ensure you have the following in front of you.
Please note: if you purchased a multiple tool kit, each tool within the kit is required to be registered separately.

  • Please ensure you attach the correct and valid Proof of Purchase for the tool that you are requesting to be repaired under warranty. Failure to do so will result in a delay with the repair or the tool being returned unrepaired.
    Note: No other document, including a warranty extension certificate, is accepted as proof of the product being within the warranty period.
  • The rating plate attached to the product contains information required for the registration process.

It is recommended that you electronically link your receipt (proof Of purchase) to the registration. This will support a paperless process and ensure that your proof of purchase is always available.